Thursday, May 28, 2009
When retired government servants are maneuvered to a corner, and their rice bowl is sodomized, then all the conspiracy and dirty laundry comes out in public...
Mat Zain has finally lite the fuse too an explosive story which, i can only assume will send many people running for cover. The blogger sphere will be running out of broadband space with these explosive story for the next few days.
Many high profile people were mentioned in his statement, so will all these moronic scrotum bags, who masquerade as esteemed stalwart of law and order in bolehland, finally see doom?
I guess not, as these chauvinist draconian beneficiaries who assume that its their birthright to rape, bastardise and mortgage our bolehland, will yet find another loophole to counter this transgression of their private play ground. As it was once said "our path is such that even angels dare not tread.
So Mat Zain, I only hope you will not be another PI bala, but if you intend to stay and fight, may God protect you........cheers
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
NH Chan, a retired judge of the courts of Appeal wrote in the malaysian insider that the three judges of the court of appeal which heard the Nizar/zambry appeal on who is the true MB, has said the that the judgment is wrong.
Now why am I not surprised? Everybody in Perak and Malaysia (except for BN ) knows these as for a fact. The learned judge NH Chan gave a detailed breakdown of the facts in his article in the insider. He even priased the High Court judge Abdul Aziz for the impeccable judgement.
a small extract of NH CHANS article from malaysianinsider:
It seems to us ordinary folk that the Court of Appeal has missed the point. They decided that Zambry was properly appointed Mentri Besar under Article XVI(6). That is not correct — he could only be appointed under Article XVI(2)(a). Since there cannot be two Mentri Besar and Nizar the incumbent Mentri Besar has not resigned and, further, since the legislative assembly did not decide if he has ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the assembly, Nizar, unquestionably, is still the Mentri Besar of Perak.
Before I sign off, I wish to say a few nice words to the High Court judge. Mr Justice Abul Aziz Abdul Rahim is a fantastic judge. The judgment, especially the piece on the interpretation of Article XVI(6), is so good that it has persuaded me to change my mind on my view of Article XVI(6). If you remember my first article, I have expressed an opinion on Article XVI(6). Now I know I was wrong — and I have to thank Abdul Aziz J for showing me the way.
So now can we throw the books at these three judges, for the wrong judgement?
Monday, May 25, 2009
(picture from malaysiakini)
If what this lady "Aminah " says is true, then PKR is no better then UMNO. She has audio as well as video to support her case. I sure would like to get my hands on these evidence, just to see the truth of the matter with my own eyes and ears.
In this day and age its is difficult to discriminate truth from fiction. If it is true then I hope the ACA will come down hard on the cronies and the people behind them. If it is staged evidence then I hope the police will do their job.
But I am also wondering...... is not penanti in Anwar's backyard, and PKR is 100% confidence in retaining this seat. Then why (if Aminah is truthful), go to this extend?.....It makes no sense to me? Or is it another drama to make Penanti election more dramatic since UMNO is no show?
As in most matters we layman only can wait and watch as the drama minggu ini plays itself out....cheers
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, who was yesterday suspended for a year from the Selangor State Assembly, vowed today to continue speaking out against the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government.
In his defence, Khir said Selcat has no right to investigate Balkis as the organisation was under the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Societies (ROS).
Why is this guy so stupid? The money misused is from Selangor state government and thus public money. So they have every right to ask for accountability. How did this joker become an MB? The hypocrisy of it all. My dear ex-mb, bark all you want, as barking dogs seldom bite!
I am wondering why the Anti-corruption people are mum on this one?
Another strange thing is the silence from his supporters is deafening……or has Najibs administration abundant this guy for good?....cheers
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have relabelled Mat Rempit as road thugs (samseng jalanan) and are now seeking a mandatory jail sentence for them.
A typical “Mat Rempit” tends to be in his youth, and being youthful and all the energy to spare tend to have an affinity for high speed motorcycle races and performing stunts on public roads. Sounds like fun, but they are also known for their mob mentality (if one crashes into you on the road, expect his posse to come and beat you, and your car, up). Mob mentality aside, they also sometimes double up as roadside snatch thieves.
Recent media highlights of snatch thieves, causing death , has put them in very bad light.
I don’t understand how changing their names to road thugs, will help reduce this problem? What the PDRM should be doing is get to the root of the problem. Why this people want to be mat rempits, Then engage them and find a solution. No point just talking and having long prison terms to solve the problem. These are young people, thus they can be changed, if handled properly.
As we know youngsters are basically rebellious and it’s a phase they go through, no point putting a black mark on their records. Yes they will be some hardcore ones, and for these people PDRM should bring the maximum weight of the law on to them.
I am sure if PDRM put more man power out on to the roads, especially at night the problem can be reduced. But you and I know that PDRM are too busy doing other things
That they cannot afford to put more manpower to keep our roads safe. A case of priority problem. Hope the PDRM leaders can set their priority straight, instead of chasing innocent public on peaceful demonstration!.......cheers
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Najib has taken a calculated risk in making this landmark decision.
First he went against Dr M advise and second he has further dented the sagging morale in BN.
So now the question is are we going to see Dr M's gun trained on his blue eyed boy?. To bite the hand that feeds you is very very dangerous ,just ask Badawi, he is the right person to advice, as he had first hand experince.
The morale of BN has been on the rocks since the 2008 elections, now with this decision , there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, and I am sure many in the BN's group will be asking why?.
Yes the reason given is logical, wasting money, don't want to play political games with PR....ect
Why not be truthful instead?....WE CANNOT WIN, SO WE WON'T CONTEST!
I guess the truth hurts!
as G Marx once said:
"politics is the art of looking for trouble , finding it everywhere, diagnosing it
incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies...." hope this is not the case..cheers
Saturday, May 16, 2009
With all the wars going on, MB wars, speaker wars and what no, Don’t despair, relax, tomorrow is another day to fight.
In the meantime take a break and chill out and impress you friends and family with this good to know knowledge.
1) In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb.
Hence we have 'the rule of thumb'
2) Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled 'G entlemen
O nly...L adies F orbidden'...and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.
3) The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
4) It is impossible to lick your elbow.
5) If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'? Meaning spell , one, two three, four….. until you come to a number with the letter ‘a” in it. Would you believe me if I told you , it will take a long count before you reach it. 0 to 999 does not have any letter ‘a’ in it! Thousand is the first in the number series with a ‘a’ in it.
6) The only food that does not spoil is ‘Honey’
Footnote: at least 95% of people who read this will have tried to lick their elbow!
Yours truly included……..cheers
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sivakumar files suit against Ganesan
IPOH, May 15 — Ousted Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar has filed an injunction to stop Barisan Nasional’s Datuk R. Ganesan from preventing the former from exercising his duties as the legitimate speaker.
Should the court hear the suit, which was filed at the Ipoh High Court at 11.45am, it will force the judiciary to settle the issue of who is the rightful speaker, a position central to the current impasse.
Great now the real speaker and the not so real speaker are in the ring....i am flabbergasted, why the PM is dragging his leg on this one. While the real beneficiaries can just sit and watch!...Hello, knock, knock, MR 1MPM6, yes you Najib, has not this preposterous , pathetic, audaciouslly sodomized PERAK state had enough!
Has not the masquerade gone far enough? Have not we embarrassed Malaysia enough. Can we drop the chauvinist EGO and get to work. Are you waiting for divine intervention.
Stop this rape on our democracy and the mortgage of our integrity..... forget the courts.....DO THE RIGHT THING.......FOR THE SAKE OF 1MALAYSIA!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
As the pressure cooker in Perak is boiling, the talk of by-elections is getting more support.
Now MCA vp has also joined in the bandwagon, calling najib to heed the peoples wishes.
As the pressure mounts , looks like the seams are cracking at the sides and looks like our MB sesat
would be made the fall-guy?
najib has washed his hands ,when he said mahatama camry kadeer was his point man in Perak.
punters odds for now is BN will only manage 15 seats if it goes to election, with 2 seats borderline case.
Now you know why BN is dead set against any by election.......cheers
Yesterday say one thing, today say one thing, then tommorow what?
Yesterday cakap let that mahatma zambry kadeer decide .
Then today cakap let Sultan Perak decide.
Tommorow i suggest you take that submarine of yours and leave, dont't come back!
come on man you are the PM of this country! Order the real MB and the not so real MB of perak
to pay a visit to the Sultan of Perak and solve this grave that you dug.
maybe than can you win back some credibility!!!......cheers
Home Minister: Mr Hishammuddin said he would be chairing a committee that would bring together legal experts from various departments under the ministry in an effort to look at outdated laws, including those related to the Internal Security Act .
'The review of the ISA involves looking at possible amendments to many Acts that I myself see as being no longer suitable,' he said. - THE STAR/ANN
All i can hear is talk , talk and more talk...... yo, mr krisamuddin, walk the talk. We do not need this prehistoric act, flash it down the toilet. And while you are at it, can you also put a leash on that IGP of yours. lately he's creating more problems then solutions. i do not know wheather its a mid life criss or what, he's being arresting the wrong people for the wrong reasons. ..cheers
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Two time looser speaker haram Ganesan is self proclaiming he his halal.
He proclaims everything done to elect him was by the BOOK?????
Which book?
How thick a skin can one have? First without shame the Gandhi wannabe, Pangkor Pele walks into the state secretariat building with police escort and sits in the MB chair without shame, even after the high court ruled him as haram. Pretending like nothing happened.
Then this syunkai haram speaker says he is elected by the book. I think this guy is a lawyer of some sort, and me thinks he is using his wrong end to do his thinking and speaking. My dear speaker haram if have the two nuts that GOD gave you , please go to the central market in IPOH and say those words again “ I am the speaker”, instead of hiding behind that split personality dr camry. If the people of Ipoh don’t run you out of town, then you can be the speaker.
I feel very sorry for our brothers and sisters in Perak. Not only has the courts dashed the hopes of the people in Perak, but now they have a more dangerous problem knocking at their door!
The Camry guy , coincidently also a doctor could not decide if he is Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Gandhi..... and to top it all up he got confused and quoted from Matin Luther king.
Which is it you wannabe Dr Camry? Gandhi, Mandela, Martin or MB of Perak? Everything also want? How can lah....... as the teo chew people say... i pee, i chee, i tua liap nee.....(trying to brush up on my teo chew here).
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A big tycoon was conned into investing $25 million in a donkey, so says the rumors in the blogger sphere. I hate rumors, and I hate liars.
But I could not understand why would any numbskull pay such good money in the first place to buy a donkey that goes hee haw and bites people and tell lies, that’s why I say it is not true.
A donkey is just that a totally stupid ass, nothing more nothing less.
You may ask what are the lies that this $25 million donkey said, wah lau man, a talking ass, a donkey that talks and tell lies, wait a minute, can that be why it cost that much money??. The tycoon is not stupid after all, but still its only rumors , no proof, and I hate rumors and liars!
Anyway what did the donkey lie about?
Well it all started in may 2008, when it was reported that a donkey who became a dun wanted to defect to greener pasture . But the dun donkey (DD) said, quote “I am aware of the rumors but claimed to be in the dark as to who were behind it and what were their motives. I don’t want to be drawn into this discussion, if it is real, the truth will reveal itself in time... Time will tell." Unquote
Then in feb 2009, this DD went missing: "DD disappeared for over 12 hours, leaving DAP leaders sweating and desperately trying to locate DD, thereby adding to speculation that DD would cross over to greener pastures. But after they managed to get the DD, it reiterated that DD has NEVER entertained any intention to defect to greener pastures or to leave the DAP.
The very next day you see the msm flashing this picture!
I hate rumors and I hate liars. I am thinking loud, why is our esteemed PM seen with this liar? Can there be any truth to the saying “ birds of a feather flock together” ? NO, absolutely no, I disagree, our PM is above this, our PM is not a liar, come on man, he came out with the 1Malaysia, how can anyone who comes up with that be a liar, definitely not!
Then why is he in the picture , I think it’s a conspiracy, to discredit our beloved PM.
Well anyway back to the DD, so the DD finally jumped ship after lying all this while.
I hate rumors and I hate liars.
Then on may 7th , DD showed the whole world why a donkey should not be taken for granted.
At a press conference, just after the perak fiasco, DD had claimed that it pointed it’s hotel key-chain and not a pepper spray canister at YB Yee.
But then being an ass, the donkey never understood that we have digital cameras, and instant pictures. “ a picture says a thousand words”.
DD now made a u turn and claims that the canister allegedly used against Yee did not belong to it.
DD claimed that someone from the assembly sitting had thrown the canister in it’s direction and it had just picked it up from the floor and asked Yew whether the item belonged to him. it said that is all it did. I hate rumors and liars.
Now I am wondering whether the tycoon’s investment was worth it?. Or would he be cutting his loss and try to regain his money? …… my suggestion is hold on to your investment , as you can use it for other purpose. One suggestion, is use the MSM to spin the donkey story and make money to recoup your loss. How you ask : I have attached a sample below…….cheers
(recycled from an earlier post- on how newspapers can spin a story)
A pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again.
The local paper read:
The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.
The next day, the local paper headline read:
This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid
of the donkey.
The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.
The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline
the next day:
The bishop fainted.
He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so
she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the paper read:
This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back
the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.
The next day the headlines read:
The bishop was buried the next day.
Monday, May 11, 2009
KUALA LUMPUR (The Star Online): The High Court here ruled rule on Monday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak Mentri Besar, and not Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
In his ruling, Justice Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim said that a mentri besar can only be dismissed by a vote of no confidence, and he upheld the Stephen Kalong Ningkan ruling.
He noted that the Perak State Legislative did not hold a vote of no confidence.
looks like najib already knew of the outcome..??????...that may explain the olive branch...
well...well.... catch 22.... now what ?
For once at least I know we have one upright Judge who upholds the law......cheers
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Najib says no to Ahmad Talib in NSTP......and they are spinning it as miscommunication.
Najib’s media czar Datuk Johan Jaafar yesterday informed the senior management and several senior editors of the Umno-owned newspaper that Ahmad would not be appointed editorial adviser due to a misunderstanding.
He did not elaborate but said for now no outsiders would be parachuted into the NSTP.(from malaysianinsider)
If you are planning to go into partnership then you better read this.......cheers
(recycled from 2008 posting)
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her
shower when the doorbell rings.
After a few seconds of arguing over which one should go and answer the doorbell, the wife gives up, quickly wraps herself up in a towel and runs downstairs.
When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next door neighbour.
Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you 800 dollars to drop that towel you have on."
After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob.
After a few seconds, Bob hands her 800 dollars and leaves.
Confused, but excited about her good fortune, the woman wraps back up in
the towel and goes back upstairs.
When she gets back to the bathroom, her husband asks from the shower, "Who was that?" "It was Bob the next door neighbour," she replies.
"Great," the husband says, "did he say anything about the 800 dollars he
owes me?"
Moral of the story:
If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk in time
with your stakeholders, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hindraf 3 and 10 others to be freed from ISA
In a suprise move, home minister hisammuddin has told the media that 13 people will be realeased in the next few days.
this is good news indeed, after yesterdays uproar in perak.
i hope this is not done to gain points with rakyat, and to look good.
Or has it got to do with manoharan's reason to quit.
well what ever it is, at least the families will be reunited.........thank you home minister!..thats one in the cap for you, hope you will abolish the ISA soon, then i will buy you teh tarik at my expense.......cheers
according to malaysianinsider those to be realeased are:
1. Zulkepli Marzuki
2. Jeknal Adil
3. Azmi Pindatun
4. P Uthayakumar
5. M Manoharan
6. T Vasanthakumar
7. Zainun Rasyhid
8. Aboud Ghafar Ismail
9. Sufian Salih
10. Hasim Talib
11. Abdul Jamal Azahari
12. Yusof Mohd Salam
13.Husin Alih
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Father say’s onething, the Son say’s another???
(The Edge) PUTRAJAYA: Barisan Nasional (BN) acted too hastily in Perak and monarchs cannot remove elected heads of government.
On the eve of the continuance of Perak’s constitutional crisis, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said: "Under the Federal Constitution, as far as I know, very clearly states that the monarch cannot remove the prime minister.
Mahathir also refused to speculate on the legality of Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir’s appointment as menteri besar of Perak, saying that the matter now lies with the courts.
But the 83-year-old said that BN should have been more careful in the Perak takeover and that the coalition had acted "hastily".
(MALAYSIAN INSIDER) KUALA LUMPUR, May 5 — Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir tonight defended Barisan Nasional’s takeover of Perak, saying the party’s actions were legitimate.
“This is all technical, I think what Barisan Nasional has been doing is within the rights of the state party so I don’t there should be any problems. I hope they won’t make it into such a big issue by causing chaos and disturbing the peace in the state,” the International Trade and Industry deputy minister said.
Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be a prime minister, and anyone who does’nt grow up can be a deputy minister……cheers
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
You tie up a man both hands and leg and throw him into the river and expect him to swim?
Sometimes I wonder if our top political leaders have got any brains at all..........
Our number two said thus:
(from NST):
DPM Muhyiddin said Manoharan should not use his ISA detention as a reason to quit as Kota Alam Shah state assemblyman.....
He said Manoharan could still perform his duties despite being locked up under ISA........
Yea right! and I am a monkeys uncle!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Photo from star-online:
Can you imagine this? Even the police are not safe in Johor.
As reported in the star-online:
Johor Baru south OCPD Asst Comm Zainuddin Yaakob was robbed at knife point, in his own home!!!!!!
Zainuddin later made a police report at Tampoi police station.
Even a top ranking officer can be robbed in his own home, what about we the layman? How safe
are we. Even my mum and dad were robbed at knife point 3 months back,in JB.
Whats become of Johor Baru? It used to be such a nice and safe place years back.
Almost every otherday, the newspapers in singapore too, flashes reports of singaporean
getting robbed in Johor baru.
This is really bad and if the "state gomen " does not take any action, Johor Baru will be a ghost town soon.........cheers
Friday, May 1, 2009
Judiciary Delivery System Has Improved, Says CJ
According to Bernama -- The judiciary now has shown an improvement in its delivery system particularly in clearing backlogged cases and file searching in courts
Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Tun Azmi said: "All these are positive signs and things have started changing.
It is really good that something is working in our country. Its what our PM ordered. Deliver as promised!
My grocery supplier also has the best delivery system in the whole universe. from the time i make my order,
he takes only 35mins to have it delivered to my doorstep. But i have one problem though.....
i requested for a chicken but he delivered a duck.....i called him to complain, but all he could say was
" alamak we delivered lah and on record time , whats your problem? "
.....i hope my supplier is not related to any high court judge in Perak......