Thursday, May 15, 2008


OUR politicians and leaders aspiring to be persuasive should take note of this research.

Nag for long enough, and they will give in……and they spent money to research this piece of information???.

I would have given this advice for free, just ask my wife……..or my kids!!

According to New Scientist(a magazine), researchers have established that children "have got this technique perfected". Mental exhaustion has been identified as one of the factors in the subtle science of persuasion. "There is a form of mental exhaustion that doesn't require thought: nag them into submission," it says.

The magazine reported on techniques for persuasion, including mimicking another person and avoiding words such as "um" and "I mean", stumbling and pausing - all signs of hesitation. " New Scientist says. "Yet mimic someone's mannerisms subtly - their head and hand movements, posture and so forth - and it can be one of the most powerful forms of persuasion."

The magazine recommends "framing" an argument in the negative - a technique familiar to election campaigns. "If you want to sway someone when they choose between two options, a good tactic is to be negative about the option you don't want them to pick."

The research said, you should avoid engaging in argument or doing battle with sales people when your mental batteries are running low.

Conversely, if you're trying to be persuasive, strike when your target is running low on mental energy."

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